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Robert Perry
Swimming the other way
“Love to the millionth power”
A pull so intense you are afraid you’ll be uprooted
The ego’s good cop/bad cop routine
I voluntarily dismiss this whole authority problem once and for all
Here I am, Lord
Thanking God for the abstract
Don’t take a bite of that apple
Resigning from the egg-and-spoon race
Getting from the initial stage to the highest stage of asking for guidance
The unreality of error
Reverse projection
A way to evaluate people’s earthly persona
What does it mean that attack is a call for love?
“The holy Christ is born in me today”
What is the meaning of trust?
Is that all?
Why do we need the Holy Spirit to heal our minds?
Seeing with X-ray vision
My new focus on miracles, a year later
New clarity on vision, new determination to reach it
Forming the habit of turning toward the light in others
“It is not this that I would look upon”
“Help me to perform whatever miracles you want of me today”
Why should you be at their mercy?
Miracle-mindedness and miracle doing
Do we really have a hierarchy of needs?
The record
A religious devotion to death?
We can do better
“Completely at peace with everyone and everything”
The quandary of nonjudgment
The inestimable value of my brother
Getting out of the subject-object dichotomy
Could it really be that my will is God’s?
I can stop worrying about me
“Getting is meaningless and giving is all”
Changing my concept of happiness to fit my experience
The palace at the end of the road
What about love?
How do we conceive of the spiritual life?
I thank my Father for His gifts to me
I will manifest Him through me to know He is in me
A reality to be affirmed
Uncovering the ever-present miracle impulses
It’s all good news
God behind me
Don’t tell a different story; place it in a different context
Do we have a chalice list?
The Mrs. Albert way
A realization about level confusion
The impersonal nature of miracles
Oneness revisited
Could we become spiritual geniuses?
Being on our toes all the time
I rest while God does all the work
3 circles: a new way of seeing time
Easter as the resolution of my basic dilemma
It’s Easter–what does this weekend mean to you?
The separate self as resting on denial
Absolutely no difference
A new vision of behavior
Here I am, Lord
Father, today I am Your Son again
Is God really on the side of my happiness?
“And I love Your Son”
“I deny insanity, and come forth from my private world in peace”
At peace with existence
A strange dream
“My only response to error is a desire to heal”
Purely constructive
Making the lesson not the pebble but the stream
No earthly parallel
Why should I tolerate insane thinking?
That four-letter word: “holy”
Seeing God as God
The miracle is taken first on faith
My relationship with God
I choose the second place to gain the first
“Let me perceive no differences today”
Going away from myself is going toward myself
Could I really be holy no matter what?
My experience of prayer in the Course
“As You have chosen all my days should be”
The perception of my value comes from the extension of loving thoughts outward
I will not be afraid of my love today
Appearances will not deceive me now.
My Experience with Frequent Reminders
I can be free of anxiety today
A New Insight about How to Live the Course
In this eternal, still relationship
My Favorite Study Techniques
Practicing Nonjudgment, Course-Style
Help in Understanding that Giving Is Receiving
A Realization about the “Call for Help”
Still on that Anti-Anger Kick
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