holy relationship


holy relationship

A relationship in which holiness has entered (also called a “real relationship” in CE T-13.XI and CE T-17.IV), though this holiness may not yet be fully manifest and the relationship may still be dominated on the surface by patterns of specialness. The source of salvation (see CE T-20.VIII.4:5), a necessary means to salvation, the Course’s special means for saving time (see CE T-22.VII.6-8). The holy relationship is a process, a gradual reversal of the special relationship. It begins when two or more people truly join in a common goal, at least for an instant (see holy instant). In this instant, the Holy Spirit enters the relationship and heals it at a deep, unconscious level, changing its goal from sin to holiness. As the two forgive each other, this deep-level healing then slowly works its way to the surface, overturning the remaining ego patterns. As the holy relationship matures, the two will experience an increasing sense of oneness, which will prove to them experientially that they are not separate egos. And they will exercise their joint special function of together giving healing to the world. The Course and its supplements mention several forms of holy relationship:

  1. The Text (see Chapters 17-22) discusses a holy relationship between peers.
  2. The Manual discusses a holy relationship between a spiritual teacher and his pupil (see CE M-2.5).
  3. The Psychotherapy supplement discusses a holy relationship between therapist and patient (see P-2.In.4, I.3, II.5-9).
  4. The Song of Prayer supplement mentions a holy relationship (by concept but not by name) between people who pray together (see S-1.IV.1-3).
  5. The Text discusses a holy relationship between people who had already had a special relationship (see CE T-17.V.1:9).
  6. The Manual mentions that a holy relationship can begin when two individuals first meet (see CE M-3.2:6-8).