Our natural condition of being unable to be hurt, injured or changed in any way, which the Atonement restores to us. Vulnerability comes not from being attacked, but from our own attack thoughts (see CE W-26.2-4). These assume that we can attack and so can also be attacked. These also cause guilt which affirms that we deserve to be attacked. Invulnerability, then, comes not from self-defense, but from guiltlessness, which comes from being both harmless and helpful. Through defenselessness, through teaching our brother we are immune to attack, we prove that our brother is innocent, for his attack did not hurt us. We show him this through our lack of emotional upset (see CE T-14.III.6:3-7:3) and through a healthy body (see CE T-27.II.5:3-5). For upset and sickness are messages we send to our brother which say, “Behold me, brother, at your hand I die” (CE T-27.I.4:6). See crucifixion.