special function


special function

The special form given to each individual of the one function of extending forgiveness (see extension), of being a savior. The function we gave ourselves was specialness, which is achieved by attacking and diminishing our brother, and which we chose in order to hurt ourselves. The Holy Spirit, however, translated our desire for specialness into our special function, our special part or role in His plan for salvation. It reverses specialness. It is our special way of serving and exalting all our brothers, rather than trying to put them beneath us so that we feel superior. The Holy Spirit gives us a special form of extending healing which is suited to our particular strengths (see CE W-154.2:2). He also sends us particular people whom it is our function to save. This seems to begin with one person, our holy relationship partner (see CE T-20.IV.6:1). Then we and our partner are given a joint special function, which includes particular people to save. Ultimately, the ones we are appointed to save include everyone (see CE T-31.VIII.4:5). The Holy Spirit also gives us guidance and supply for every aspect of this function as well as the strength to carry it out. This is our part in the fulfillment of the Holy Spirit’s own special function (see function, #3). See CE T-25.VI.