Seldom used in the Course, this term occurs in only one Text section (CE T-30.VIII)—definition #1 below—and in two related Workbook lessons (CE W-158 and CE W-169)—definition #2 below.
- Our “plans for what the day should be” (CE T-30.VIII.2:1). In this script (which we are constantly changing), we assign everyone and everything a role for that day. How well they play their role in our script determines, in our eyes, whether the day was a success or failure.
- The script of our passage through time and space. This script has set the part we are to play, every step we take along the way, and the time of our final awakening. This script is followed, because it has all already happened. Now, instead of actually living it for the first time, we are merely “reviewing mentally what has gone by” (CE W-158.4:5). This script was written by the Holy Spirit (“Him Who wrote salvation’s script in His Creator’s Name”—CE W-169.8:4), but also incorporates decisions of our own (see CE W-169.7:5).