Something which points to the truth of something else. Primary meaning: the effect of a cause, the existence of which points to the reality of the cause (see cause and effect).
- In Heaven, you are the witness to your Cause, God, establishing Him as Father and Creator (see CE T-13.IX.8:6).
- In Heaven, your creations are witness to your own fatherhood (see CE T-9.VI.6:6).
- On earth, all perceptions witness to the thought system, the state of mind, that caused them (see CE T-21.I.1:1-4).
- The ego uses physical and emotional evidence, such as fear and physical illness, to witness to its own supposed reality (see CE T-8.VII.5:5-6:7).
- The miracles you do bear witness to the power of the Holy Spirit within you (see CE T-14.XI.5:3).
- Those whom you heal become witnesses to the healing, the holiness, in you, and so become your saviors (see CE T-13.VI.9:2).
- Those whom you attack bear witness to the ego in you.
- Your health and invulnerability witness to the innocence in your brother, to the fact that his sin had no effect on you and so was not a cause.