Miracles Are for All Beings
By Gloria Ormsby
Two days ago, my dog Frankie hurt his paw when we were playing ball. Yesterday he wouldn’t move, wouldn’t eat, and his whole leg was shaking. I called the vet at 12:30 to see if they would call in some pain medication in my town, so I wouldn’t have to drive down there (about a 45-minute round trip.) I called them four times throughout the day; they closed at 7pm. The pharmacy closes at 8pm. The last time I called the vet that day was 6:15pm, only to find out they never called the medication in!
I could almost hear Jesus and my guides buzzing in the background. I remembered when my previous dog hurt his knee and I tried some healing work with him, and it miraculously got better. I decided to try the same technique with Frankie. I don’t really know the Course’s approach to healing, so I can’t say that what I did is completely consistent with it, but here’s what I did: I got a pillow and sat beside him in the spot he had been laying all day (still hadn’t moved or eaten anything.) I put on some healing music. I rubbed my hands together, closed my eyes, and asked God to channel the healing energy of His powerful love through my crown chakra into my body and through my hands. I put one hand above his paw, held the other hand open palm on my other knee. I could feel the energy pulsing in my hands. Then I asked the angels and Jesus to magnify the love. I sat like that for about fifteen minutes.
Then I opened my eyes to see Frankie looking at me fully alert. I see if he will eat. Yup. I ask him to go out. He gets up. We go outside, I walk him around, and he gets busy, sniffing around—no limping—a MIRACLE!!!
After we came back inside, I brought out a bed and put his blanket on it, hoping he would not go back to that same spot on the wood floor where he had stayed all day. He came right over to the bed and laid down. He ate again a few hours later. He slept on the bed, then sat up and barked at me about 9am.
It’s amazing, isn’t it? More amazing is that I started reading the first three miracle principles in the morning as Jesus asked us to read them over and over “as if there were going to be a quiz this evening.” So, let’s see: Miracle principle 3: “Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense, everything that comes from love is a miracle.”
After this happened, I had a deep knowing within my mind that if I kept loving him, petting him, kissing him, that he would continue to heal. Love is. God is. It’s His love that heals and it applies to our beloved animals as well as people.
You will see miracles through your hands through me. [CE T-1:2]
Miracles arise from a miraculous state of mind…The impersonal nature of miracles is because the Atonement itself is one. By being one, it unites all creations with their Creator. [CE T-1.44]
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